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The Follow button on help center Sections and Articles gives you the ability get notifications about fresh content on this site. For example, maybe you want an email every time we publish a new announcement. Here's how:
- Open the section that you want to get updates on. Below, we show the Announcements section.
- Click on the FOLLOW button. If you are not signed-in, you'll be asked to do that.
- Done!
Keep Track of Your Subscriptions
You can see what you have followed on your Subscriptions page, and you can un-follow things there. Click on your profile picture in the top right of the website to navigate here:
The next time we add an article, you'll get a link to your work email. It can take up to one hour to be notified of a new article.
Updates to existing content
It is not possible to be notified of updates to existing articles (otherwise you'd get an email every time we fix a typo).
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