Get Started
To integrate STREAM:RASTER layers into a web map, you'll need:
- A valid API Key
- Layer ID(s)
Layer ID
Each layer in STREAM:RASTER is assigned a unique 22-character alphanumeric identifier, known as a Layer ID.
To find a layer's Layer ID, download the WMTS capabilities document with the following request, replacing {API_KEY} with your actual key:{API_KEY}
In the capabilities XML that is returned, look for the Contents/Layer element(s). Each layer will have ows:Title and ows:Abstract child elements containing the layer's name and description. Find the layer you want to view and locate its ows:Identifier element—that element contains the Layer ID.
"XYZ" URL Templates
STREAM:RASTER tiles can be added to web maps using an XYZ-style URL template of the form:{layer_id}/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?key={api_key}
- layer_id - unique 22-character alphanumeric identifier found in the Contents/Layer/ows:Identifier tag of your WMTS capabilities document
- z - zoom level index
- x - tile grid column index (northwest origin)
- y - tile grid row index (northwest origin)
- api_key - your API Key
Code Snippets
Sample code to add STREAM:RASTER tile layers in some common map libraries follows:
Create a WebTileLayer
new WebTileLayer({
urlTemplate: ''
+ '{level}/{col}/{row}?key=API_KEY'
Google Maps JS API
Create a custom ImageMapType overlay
map.overlayMapTypes.push(new google.maps.ImageMapType({
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),
getTileUrl: function (coord, zoom) {
return ''
+ zoom + '/' + coord.x + '/' + coord.y + '?key=API_KEY';
Mapbox GL JS
Register a raster tiled source, then create a layer referencing that source
map.addSource('stream-raster-source', {
type: 'raster',
tiles: [
+ '{z}/{x}/{y}?key=API_KEY'
tileSize: 256,
id: 'stream-raster-layer',
type: 'raster',
source: 'stream-raster-source',
Create a Tile layer with an XYZ source
new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.XYZ({
url: ''
+ '{z}/{x}/{y}?key=API_KEY'
Get Started with STREAM:RASTER
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