Google has recently rolled out the mobility packages which unify the approach of billing Google Mobility service usage across ODRD and LMFS. This involves moving away from ODRD per successful trip billing to the new Mobility per successful event/transaction billing.
A mobility billing migration test is required to confirm if the customer can report billable events using the new Mobility Billing API. Please follow the guide below to proceed:
IMPORTANT! It is recommended to continue reporting billable trips via Fleet Engine > ReportBillableTrip API during the migration. This ensures that the system keeps reporting successful trips while the migration is happening.
- Modify your code and add a function that will run the new Mobility Billing API in parallel with the current Fleet Engine > ReportBillableTrip API method. Sample request URL below:
POST<REGION_CODE>&key=<API_KEY>&billableEventId=<Mobility Transaction ID>
- Run the billable events using the new Mobility Billing API:
- Enable the Mobility Billing API in your GCP production project (click the link for quick access to enable the API in Cloud Console)
- Use your existing billable tripId as the Mobility Billing API's billableEventID. This ID follows the same format requirements as the previous billable tripId.
- Identify the region where the billable event took place. Supported region codes here: Valid Region Codes.
- In parallel with the current Fleet Engine > ReportBillableTrip API billable trip requests, report the billable events via Mobility Billing API.
- Verify that you are receiving a 202 status code from the Mobility Billing API during this migration period. If you receive a 4xx/5xx, let Woolpert know ASAP so we can troubleshoot (email
- Inform Woolpert and Google when the test responses include a 202 status code. Google will then validate your test, and, if there are no issues, send a confirmation that the migration test is successful.
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