Are you using the original Places APIs and looking to migrate to the new versions? Are you using Autocomplete and wondering, "what's my bill going to look like after I convert?".
We got you.
Let's start with how the original APIs bill, then I'll move to the new APIs.
Original Places APIs
Autocomplete - Per Request
When making a call to any of the autocomplete services available (Android/iOS/Javascript/web service), this is the SKU triggered. Every time a character is sent, it incurs a cost since it will refine the search every that new character is submitted.
Autocomplete without Place Details - Per Session
When your workflow takes in the inputs from the above endpoint but a Place Details request isn't followed up, then this SKU will be triggered. A session token has to be used during the usage of the autocomplete interaction while not having a Place Details returned in the session instance/flow.
This normally happens with abandoned sessions where a customer types in a location/address/etc to find something specific and doesn't click on any of the answers to refine/decide.
Autocomplete (included with Place Details) - Per Session
When your workflow takes in the inputs from the per request endpoint and your end user selects a result, then this SKU will be triggered. A session token has to be used during the usage of the autocomplete interaction into the Place Details return to have this SKU associated and billed correctly.
Also note, all data is generated and can be returned (Basic, Contact, and Atmosphere) unless you specify what data you want in the request. If you don't limit the data returned, you will have everything returned and you'll pay the premium.
New Places APIs
Autocomplete Requests
When making a call to any of the autocomplete services available (Android/iOS/Javascript/web service), this is the SKU triggered. Every time a character is sent, it incurs a cost since it will refine the search every that new character is submitted.
*Each request, up to 12, is billed as this. Subsequent requests will be billed as Autocomplete Session Usage. A session token is required for this to trigger.
Autocomplete Session Usage
When your autocomplete workflow exceeds 12 characters AND a session token is used, this SKU is triggered.
Place Details (Preferred)
This SKU is triggered when making a Place Details request from an autocomplete session or call. When requesting this from an autocomplete workflow, Preferred is the lowest level of Places Details you can bill, even if you field mask.
Place Details (Location Only)
This SKU can be triggered from autocomplete and only trigger the Place Details (Location Only) SKU/cost.
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